Monday, December 26, 2022

Tools that can be used in online assessment

 Due to technology advancement, teaching in schools has largely adjusted to online podiums, where online classes often replace traditional classroom teaching. 

Online assessment should have a broad report of each student's achievement to help identify differences in learning.Where traditional assessment make it difficult to record and evaluate the performance of the students, online assessment is fast to mark the students' work and provide immediate feedback on their grades. Also, it can be reached to students who lives aboard, they are not required to physically appear in the classroom to do the tests, this provide great opportunity for students to learn at prestigious schools even outside their country. In addition to that, a lot of online assessment tools are cost-free, and time saving since teachers don't have to write it down and then print it, and later on, mark each test by themselves. 

Several assessment tools are available for teachers to use in online assessment and that are very effective at evaluating students performance and keep the parents updated with their kids' achievements and progress, some provides templates for quizzes and tests for different teaching levels and subjects as well for summative and formative assessment, all for free, such as:

  1. Quizlet, for both types of assessment. 
  2. Google Forms, for formative assessment. 
  3. PollEverywhere for summative assessment, quick and fun. 
  4. TestMoz, supply several templates that are automatically graded and ready to be applied.
  5. Mentimeter, for fun summative and formative assessment.
  6. Moodle, it can provide the parents with updates regarding their kids progress.
  7. Flubaroo, combines both google forms and spreadsheets builder to give an assessment tool etc...      

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